Silver and Gold


Information=Silver and Gold TOKYO



20215月コロナ禍の中、 Silver and Gold TOKYO は産声をあげ、丸2年が経ち国内外のお客様、関係者様にも認知して頂き歩んできました。

誠に急なご連絡となりますが、店舗物件の借地契約の急遽変更により 2023年7月9日(日)をもちまして Silver and Gold TOKYO を一旦閉店する事となりました。大阪からやってきた僕たち Silver and Gold が東京でお店を構え、まだまだやりたい!伝えたい!コトがいっぱいで消化不良。

引続き東京での店舗営業を企画しておりますが、現時点では未定となります。イベント等、東京での POPUPショップ 計画中です!





Mail :

※担当者 寺村 までお願い致します。


Tel : 06-6226-8125(大阪メインオフィス)


最後に店舗閉鎖に伴い 6月24日(土)よりSALEを行います。

また 7月8日(土)は夕方より「一旦お別れ会」として、ビール・ワイン・軽食をご用意しております。皆様にお会いしお時間共に過ごせることを楽しみにしております。お気軽にご来店くださいませ。




“Silver and Gold TOKYO was established in May 2021, amidst the turmoil of the Corona crisis. Two full years have since passed, during which we have earned recognition from both our customers and affiliates, domestically and internationally.

We regret to announce that due to an unexpected alteration in our lease agreement, Silver and Gold TOKYO will cease operations on July 9, 2023 (Sunday). We, the team behind Silver and Gold, originated from Osaka and relocated to Tokyo with an ambitious desire to achieve more! There’s still so much more we want to accomplish and share with you.

While we are considering the possibility of maintaining a presence in Tokyo, the specifics have yet to be determined. In the meantime, we plan to launch a series of pop-up stores in Tokyo for various events.


We will continue to entertain inquiries from our customers in the Tokyo region about our products and more.

Information updates will still be posted on our Instagram account (@silverandgoldtokyo).



Feel free to reach out to us at Teramura.


Phone: +81-6-6226-8125 (Osaka main office)


Lastly, in light of the store’s closure, we will host a sale starting from June 24 (Saturday). Additionally, on Saturday, July 8, we invite you to join us for a farewell party in the evening, offering beer, wine, and light refreshments. We eagerly look forward to your company and sharing this moment with you.

Please feel free to drop by.